Saturday, December 5, 2009

Renaissance Art

The Renaissance was a term originally from a French word that means “rebirth”. This rebirth occurred mostly in the art of the time. “About 1450, European scholars became more interested in studying the world around them. Their art became more true to life” (Source) This change was in their paintings and architecture. The artists were very important to this change and improvement of the art, many of them are still very well known today as in: Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Masaccio, and Brunelleschi. (Source) (Source)(Source, Google Books)

This new movement started in northern Italy and spread quickly through Europe. “The Renaissance patrons wanted art that showed joy in human beauty and life’s pleasures. Renaissance art is more lifelike than in the art of the Middle Ages. Renaissance artists studied perspective, or the differences in the way things look when they are close to something or far away. The artists painted in a way that showed these differences. As a result, their paintings seem to have depth.” (source) Giotto was the first to start this phase of art; he put real emotion into his paintings. This period of the Renaissance was where the impressionism and realism really prevailed into art. Examples of the paintings of this time are the, Mona Lisa, the Last Super, the Birth of Venus, the Marriage at Canon and many others. (Source) (Source) (Source, Google Books)

The architecture of the Renaissance of also flourished. Churches were a major focus for the architects of the time the created what was called the gothic style. The most common feature of the era was the dome. Cathedrals would also have many different colors and often times the magnificent buildings would be accompanied by great paintings on the dome (the ceiling), the walls, just as the Sistine Chapel. It is also present in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and the Duomo of Florence. This style originated from the Greeks and Romans, but was further enhanced and started in Florence, Italy. (Source) (Source) (Source, Google Books)

The artist and architects were not just good at what they did; they did it with passion and poise. The phrase, the Sistine Chapel wasn’t built in a day, is very true because these artists put long hours into their work and it took multiple days and months. These artists did not just make art; they were shapers of their time and History. Various artists were Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Botticelli, Giotto, Donatello, Tintoretto, Veronese, Raphael, and many others. These people did not only make art they created something much more, they created timeless and priceless pieces of treasure with great meaning. (Source) (Source) (Source, Google Books)

The Renaissance Art and Architecture started a new progression of History, it started impressionism, realism, Gothic architecture, and much more. “It influenced painting, sculpture, and architecture. Paintings became more realistic and focused less often on religious topics. Rich families became patrons and commissioned great art. Artists advanced the Renaissance style of showing nature and depicting the feelings of people. ” (source) The passion and dedication of the artists’ work is clearly seen through everything they did. (Source) (Source) (Source, Google Books)