Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Jihad

The Jihad is Arabic for a struggle, and an effort to strive, and to fight. Many others, in mostly the west have the idea of the Jihad as considered an Islamic Holy War. The idea of what the Jihad is and how it is played out has been difficult to distinguish, because it has been often changing since the beginning of the religion and the writings in the Qur’an. The tradition of the Jihad is very important to the Muslims according to some it is the 6th pillar of Islam. However, the point to the Jihad is not easily understood some say it is to spread the Muslim faith and others say it is to gain world control for the Muslims. (source) (source) (Kepel) (Spencer)

Originally the Qur’an did reference a form of the Jihad but this was the internal struggle and effort. However, besides this, some people explain that the first Jihad occurred when Muhammad was frustrated that he had very few followers. He immediately set out to get more, during this time he was writing the Qur’an and the contents started including a reference to qital (Jihad). The Qur’an was referencing this to “suggest a war of conquest or conversion against all unbelievers.” This seems a bit extreme to us looking into a different religion. The use of the Jihad had now morphed to be very extreme in some cases. An example of it today is the attack on 9/11. The Islamic belief is that when they attack few the many will learn. Meaning that if a Muslim woman were to not follow their laws she would be stoned of killed but this would teach others not to do as she did. It is an extreme way to get what you want and it brakes all moral codes. (source) (source) (source) (Spencer)

An example of how extreme this is and how determined the Muslims are, is this quote from Osoma bin Laden (1998):
“The ruling to kill the Americans and their Allies—civilians and military—is and individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in and country in which in is possible to do it… to comply with God’s order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim uleme, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch raid on Satan’s U.S. troops and the devil’s supporters allying with them.” (source)

You maybe thinking well this person was just a radical, and that is completely valid! However, many people followed along with him and intend to carry out what he wished. Some see it as the 6th pillar of Islam (5 pillars of Islam) but they are incorrect. However, “Still, "jihad" is considered to be every Muslim's duty--be it the struggle to improve society, preventing the exploitation of the poor or vulnerable, or improving oneself before the Day of Judgment.” (source) This thought is scary that to the Muslims it is a duty to kill people in order to get what you want. (source) (Spencer)

“The purpose of jihad, in other words, is not directly to spread the Islamic faith but to extend sovereign Muslim power (faith, of course, often follows the flag). Jihad is thus unabashedly offensive in nature, with the eventual goal of achieving Muslim dominion over the entire globe.” (source)
We have seen that through the growth of the Jihad the meaning of it has morphed. This quote explains in and essence what the purpose of the Jihad is today.

The effects of this effort have become unbelievable. Over 2 million people have been killed in this effort and there has been the dislocation of at least 4 million has taken place, and this is only in Sudan. “Making it the greatest humanitarian catastrophe of our era.” (source)The attack on 9/11 is also considered a form of the Jihad and over 2,500 were killed in that attack. The effects are numerous along with the deaths. (source) (source) (source) (Kepel)

The Jihad is summed up today to mean a struggle and effort. In one sense it is in the mind but in another it is to revolutionize the world to be Muslim. The Muslims justify their actions in war through the Jihad. They live by it and consider it a duty to God (Allah). This responsibility has however morphed through the years and has now become to mean world domination. To you and I this is very strange and intense but to the Muslims they can justify their actions and think it is right. (source) (source) (Kepel)

Book Sources:

Spencer, Robert. The Truth about Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion. Robert Spencer; Massachusetts, 2006.

Kepel, Gilles. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam. I.B. Tauris: U.K., 2006.