Thursday, May 28, 2009

Questions for Test

(162) Antony and ________ were in love. (Cleopatra VAA)

(166) “Pax Romana” is:
A.) Roman politics
B.) a ruler
C.) a period of Roman peace

(172) The History of Rome is written by:
A.) Livy
B.) Horace
C.) Virgil

(167) Which ruler gave citizenship to everybody:
A.) Nero
B.) Diocletian
C.) Caracalla

(177) Boys were to learn by _________ their teacher (imitating)

(184) Gospel means:
A.) good news
B.) God’s story
C.) God’s news

(185) The clergy were:
A.) the bishops and priests
B.) the church
C.) non-Christians

(185) First Christian emperor was ___________. (Constantine)

(184) Jesus was:
A.) The son of God
B.) an apostle
C.) an emperor

(185) ________ began the persecutions of the Christians (Nero)

(230) Ramadan is:
A.) a holy month
B.) a voyage
C.) a place

(226) _____________ created the Islamic religion. (Muhammad)

(228) Islam is:
A.) mono-theistic
B.) poly-theistic

(230) Jihad is:
A.) a place
B.) a holy war
C.) a custom

(170) Latin Literature emerged in the ________ century B.C. (third)

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