Thursday, May 28, 2009

Questions for Test

(162) Antony and ________ were in love. (Cleopatra VAA)

(166) “Pax Romana” is:
A.) Roman politics
B.) a ruler
C.) a period of Roman peace

(172) The History of Rome is written by:
A.) Livy
B.) Horace
C.) Virgil

(167) Which ruler gave citizenship to everybody:
A.) Nero
B.) Diocletian
C.) Caracalla

(177) Boys were to learn by _________ their teacher (imitating)

(184) Gospel means:
A.) good news
B.) God’s story
C.) God’s news

(185) The clergy were:
A.) the bishops and priests
B.) the church
C.) non-Christians

(185) First Christian emperor was ___________. (Constantine)

(184) Jesus was:
A.) The son of God
B.) an apostle
C.) an emperor

(185) ________ began the persecutions of the Christians (Nero)

(230) Ramadan is:
A.) a holy month
B.) a voyage
C.) a place

(226) _____________ created the Islamic religion. (Muhammad)

(228) Islam is:
A.) mono-theistic
B.) poly-theistic

(230) Jihad is:
A.) a place
B.) a holy war
C.) a custom

(170) Latin Literature emerged in the ________ century B.C. (third)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Last Blog

Over all my first year in high school has helped me finalize my path in what I want to do for my life. Especially in the subject of History, it showed me my love for architecture and by starting at the beginning I was able to see how each major empire and civilization helped shape architecture and added to it. A major life skill that History has helped me develop through the year is test taking, which is a very important skill.

I enjoyed learning of the ancient architecture and thought is was important because it showed me where my passion is. Throughout the year we have mainly focused on three different types of ancient empires and civilization, the first one is the ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. All three added to the History of architecture in there own way. The start to architecture is like watching a baby grown into a child and to become an adult with every part of their life they improve and become different. They have their high points and lows but everything that happens to them shapes them and makes them what they are today and this is how history is. source

The Egyptian architecture was the biggest start; its biggest focal point was on its pyramids. The Egyptian pyramids were so well built that they still stand today. Often the Egyptians would carve whole temples and statues into the sides of mountains this took great skill and time. When the Greeks made their mark on Architecture they changed the style from the Egyptian architecture they went into using pillars and stone. In the Greek architecture there were about three different styles of architecture. They were the Doric style which was the plainest and simplest style an example is the temple of Paestum and the Pantheon, the Corinthian which was the most elaborate with leaves; however it was the least used because of the great detail in it, and the Ionic which was somewhere in between the two, it had a scroll like manner in it and it was used in the temple of Artemis at Ephesus. All though each empire can connect in many ways there are many differences in the way architecture is progressed. The Roman architecture has similar to the Greeks but the Romans added the Roman Arch and they were also well known for their mass use of concrete and circular buildings. Take the Coliseum for example it uses many arches and is built in a circular manner. The Romans also used the pillars just as the Greeks did but this idea was not their original idea, it came from the Greeks. However, the Romans were the first to uses the systems of public baths and the aqueducts which was a way to get thousands of gallons of fresh water. source source source

Test taking skills is something that you need and is a good quality and a necessity to have in life. Although I have not become an expert at it my skills for analyzing and deciphering the questions put before me, I have become better. This life skill is necessary for us to succeed and I feel that it is an important part of your learning experience in high school. Test taking is a virtue I intend to work on and improve as the years go on.

The first year of high school is over and I thought that not only do I feel more secure about many things because of it but I feel that this growing experience has given me many life lessons to learn from. I believe that although being book smart is something that you need to succeed on paper but that it is not always the most important thing you learn in the long run. The ideas I learned on architecture have stuck with me and have given me a passion and motivation that can only be initiated by your self. Connecting through history has also given me a motive to succeed in this class. Test taking is important and I feel that I have gotten better but yet still need to improve. This is what overall history has showed me.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Current Events

There is not a day where the world rests and where nothing new happens. Our world moves so fast now-a-days we can here about stuff going on in the other side of the world while it is happening without being there, but with all the technology it can sometimes end up in a horrible mess when in the hands of stupid people. On one side of the nation we have a rushing fire coming down to a halt as of May 9, 2009. But on the other side of the nation we have a very dense guy that risked many lives. Our world does not rest. source source

This week on the west coast there was another major fire in Santa Barbra called the Jesusita. The fire started in Cathedral Peak and then spread, the last count of burned homes was 80 and approximately 8700 acres. There was 30000 people evacuated with only 13 injuries overall and thankfully no deaths. So far the fire did cause a lot of damage, approximately $4.3 million. source

However today with the weathers help of less wind and a greater amount of humidity the fire slowed down and is now under greater containment. This good news is giving people the ability to go back home. With the fire still going there is no absolutes in damages but with it settling it gives people reassurance and a greater peace. Many of the people that live there are calmer about this fire than the others that have hit this area and all of this was possible because of all the firefighters and volunteers help of 4000 people also with the many resources on hand, such as 15 helicopters and14 air tankers. source

On the other side of the coast in Boston there was a trolley accident. The accident took place on the Friday night of May 9, 2009, at 7:18 pm. The location was between Park and Government Center stations. The parked two-car trolley was waiting to go into the Park station when the second two-car trolley hit the parked one. This accident involved around 100 people 50 of which were injured and taken to a nearby hospital, however thankfully none of the injuries appear to be life threatening. The most injured person was the trolley driver that at the time was texting. The 24-year-old driver later admitted to the police that he was texting when he looked up and saw the brake lights of the parked trolley in front of him, but by that time there was no way to stop. The police that found this out were furious, how could someone do such a stupid thing. source

What a crazy week in the U.S. from coast to coast we see things happen some stupid and some mysterious but all affects the way we live, think or act. Knowing what is going on around us is good so that we can learn either from peoples mistakes or where not to go but understanding what is happening is always a good thing to know.