Saturday, December 6, 2008

How the Greeks Changed Architecture

The Greeks had a influence on many things and one of these was Architecture. They did not necessarily create all the types and styles but they did make a lot of them known. They had three particular styles the Ionic, Corinthian, and Doric. Greek architecture was mainly seen on public and religious buildings. These styles and ideas were then carried on to effect all the different time periods. (Geffern, Boardman)

Greek architecture is big in Greek life. It was what housed their religious and government buildings. Before them came the Persian architecture and Egyptian architecture. There was also some lesser known cultures that came before them and started the influence over the Greek's ideas. But the Greeks were the main ones to make the styles known and remembered. Even though many of the early Greek buildings were destroyed we still have the later Greek buildings and the descriptions for them. (Geffern)

There were three main types of architectural styles; they were the Doric order, Ionic order, and the Corinthian order. The Doric order was plainer, simpler, and sturdier on top. This architectural style was found primarily on the mainland of Greece and the colonies of Southern Italy and Sicily. The Parthenon is an example of the Doric style. The Ionic architectural style is thinner and more elegant than the Doric. The Ionic style is decorated with a scroll-like design. This style was found in Eastern Greece and on the Greek islands. Examples of this style would be the Erectheum, the Temple of Apollo at Didyma and the Temple of Athena W. The Corinthian style is not used often in the Greek time but it is the most elaborate, decorated with leaves. An example of this order is the Temple of Zeus at Athens. (Boardman)

The Greeks did not just make these buildings just to look at, these buildings were often there public buildings of use. Most of the time these buildings were used to worship their gods and that is why they put so much work into it, to make it as grand as possible to please their gods. Other times the buildings were for the government or public use as in arenas or amphitheaters. Which these are both used in today's time. After the Greeks made known these styles they were then carried into the Roman style and from there on through to have and effect on today's modern culture. If the Greeks had not done the work so elegantly and beautifully no one would have looked at it and copied it but because of their work we look at it, study it and preserve it. (Boardman)

The history of architecture is important, because we need to know where we came from to understand where were at. Although each style is different and has its distinct elements they are all remembered and cherished. The importance of Greek architecture is that it had an influence on the past and effected the present and will have an influence on the future. When people do grand things it is noticed. (Geffern)

Book sources:

Geffern, Anthony (producer). The Greeks: Crucibe of Civilization. NY: PBS Home Video; 1999.

Boardman, John. Greek Art: World of Art. Thames & Hudson; Oxford :1996