Sunday, November 2, 2008


The era of Pericles is very important to the Athenian Greek history because this time period is at the apex of their society. Pericles came directly after the win against the Persians. However, before the Athenians could beat the Persian navy their armies had burned down the entire city of Athens. So therefore afterwards the Athenians had to rebuild their city and this task fell into the hands of Pericles; and it is a good thing it did because he made Athens a beautiful site to see. He had many projects under way to get Athens back up and running just as smoothly as it had been. (Geffern)

Pericles ruled with the same methods in place that which Cleisthenies had set into play around 50 years before him. He still used the same governing techniques but the focus for this era was more on the rebuilding of Athens. Pericles did this by having many grand building projects, this would give jobs to many Athenians and it involved many people. These building projects were much like the pyramids such as they were massive town buildings which now are looked at with amaze. Source (Geffern)

One of these building that was made during this time was the great Parthenon on a top of the acropolis. The Parthenon stands for a temple to the virgin. This project was of stunning magnitude it had a budget of one billion dollars in modern terms and was solid marble not just layered with it. It was composed of twenty thousand tons of marble. The building used to enclose a forty foot statue of Athena and in her hand was a six foot statue of Nike. This statue would have been glorious, it was made with marble and ivory, and covered with gold and all kinds of jewels. Source (Geffern, Meiggs)

Another exquisite detail that was added to this new buildings and projects were friezes. Friezes are picture carvings in stone that just alone signal greatness and power. The friezes were originally painted but now look just stone. Pericles was a very hands on guy in his participation with these build projects. He would directly involve him self by finding the perfect people to do the jobs to helping himself. (Geffern, Meiggs)

Many of the great details of most the buildings that were built in this time are now gone. This is mainly because since this was the apex of Athenian society it went down from there. When Athens would be invaded they would take parts of it not altogether knowing that it was great and beautiful, amazing history. Some people believe that because of the grandness of how Pericles made the rebuilding of Athens it enhanced the feud between the Spartans and Athenians, which ultimately destroyed and brought the end of Athens. Source (Geffern, Meiggs)

book sources:

Geffern, Anthony (producer). The Greeks: Crucibe of Civilization. NY: PBS Home Video; 1999.

Meiggs, Russell. The Athenian Empire. Oxford University Press; New York: 1979.

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