Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Favorite Part of Egyptian Society

What I like most about the Egyptian Society is their Architecture and their growth in it. The Egyptian architecture had a great effect through the different time periods till even today. This is because Egypt was the starting point and had to make every idea from scratch looking at no one in the past. However the Greeks and Romans were hugely effected by the Egyptians which carried on. (Haffner, Oakes)

The great temples they built into the mountain sides and the beautiful city of Amarna. To add to that there are the legendary and beautiful pyramids and the great Valley of the Kings. Some obvious things that were passed on are the massive and amazing statues carved and the great obelisks. All of these are just some of the great architectural memories we have awed over today. (Oakes)

Today even in our own country we see their influense of the obelisks of the Washington monutment at the Capital. There is a difference however, the Egyptian obelisks are carved out of stone in one big piece and ours however are not the are made up of blocks put together. We can also see the use and effect of statues quite easily. (Oakes)

Now we have not created things such grand sites as the great pyramids or the valley of the kings, the world is still amazed at what was acomplished there. Escpecially in concidering the terms that they worked under and with. Because the Egyptians created such great monuments it was part of the reason why they had good wealth and authority to others, however this was lost. (Haffner)

The architecture is the structure or design of anything, and the architecture of the Egyptian society was greatly structured by their work and what they built. The type of buildings that they built then structured the architecture of building through the generations and time periods. Their acomplishments are still loved and looked at with amaze today even though Egyptian society has crumbled they are still talked about because of the great things and sites they left behind. Their architecture leaves their legacy.

Haffner, Craig and Donna E. Lusitana. Mummies and the Wonders of Ancient Egypt. A&E Television Network: New York, 1996.

Oakes, Lorina/ Gahlin, Lucia. Ancient Egypt: An Illistrated reference to the myths, religion, pyramids, and temples of the land of the paharaohs. Barnes and Noble: New York; 2003.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Nefertititi was one of the great queens known in the Egyptian history. She was queen and co-regent to Akhenaten, who was her husband. The two of them had six daughters but no sons. The two had a good relationship but Nefertiti had to share her husband and their relationship with many other women and queens. Which this would have been a common thing for the pharaohs to have many and not just one. (Shaw,Casson)

Nefertiti did not necessarily come from a royal blood line and is not even sure what her family members were. Her dad is guessed to be Ay the army officer and later the pharaoh. Ay is also thought to have might been the brother of Queen Tiye. These relations came when Nefertiti's sister was seen in many of the decorations in Ay's tomb. However these are not "written in stone" calculations. Source

During the reign of Akhenaten, Nefertiti played a large role not only was she a gorgious and beautiful queen which she was known as by her statues but she also was of great importance to the throne and what happened within the Amarna period of the eighteenth dynsty. She had a great influence over her husband, the pharaoh, which helped her a lot. Even in most of the artwork war of her being depicted from a pose not pharaoh Akhenaten. Source (Casson)

The Queen Nefertiti had many jobs and one of the most important was the she would go, along with her eldest daughter Meritaten and do the rituals to the gods for her husband, the pharaoh Akhenaten. Nefertiti was very active in the change of religion for the Egyptians. In fact some people think that she might have caused and been the source of the change in the first place. This change in religion was going from a multi-theistic culture to a mono-theistic culture and this one god was the god of the sun, Aten. source (Casson,Shaw)

Nefertiti at the end of Akhenaten's reign disappeared. Many think it was because she must have disgraced the king. However earlier she had another one of his wives disgraced and erased. but afterward she got a new name that was, Neferneferuaten. She then came back after Akhenaten's death and even reigned for a short time after. source (shaw)

Nefertiti's death is unknown and all we have to made guesses and put the pieces of the puzzle together are what they left behind for us to see. This great Queen and woman left a great legacy for herself and us to have and know about. source

book sources:

Casson, Lionel. Ancient Egypt. Time Incorperated, New York: 1965.

Shaw, Ian. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press, New York: 2000.